Working This Out

What can I say? I am new to the game of blogging. I have never considered myself much of a writer, but then again I have never written about things that I really wanted to write about. As I continue to grow and figure out Word Press, this is going to be my place of practice. Hopeful to turn this small dream of writing about theme parks into something bigger.

They say the sky’s the limit? Well I guess I am here to test that theory. From someone that has been so upset and wants to look to something better than just Disneyland, turning it into my own version of Disneyland. We all can dream right? I think that’s something Disney is missing right now. It doesn’t have that magical feeling, the feeling that all of your problems wash away once you pass the gates and travel under the tracks. Well I am here to vent about that, find the alternatives, work towards a better tomorrow for theme parks in general, and work on my marketing skills as well!

So here it begins… again… for what feels like the millionth time. At least this time I put the pen to paper, or shall I say fingers to the keyboard, and began on working on something that doesn’t feel like work. Something I am passionate about. Stay tuned for more from me as I continue the quest for something better. Not just for myself, but for all of us that want to visit, journey, or escape to a place of wonder and magic; a theme park!

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