Remember back to being just a kid. Days and summers were long, and one hour seemed like an eternity. Those were the times in your life when there was excitement for the little things.
Now picture this, your parents are avid theme park goers. You are forced to wait behind as your parents and siblings get to ride all the “cool big kid rides.” You don’t let it bother you, you say to yourself “it’s fine, that ride is too scary for me.” Your little brother gets to ride alone at Universal Studios since he’s already 48 inches, but you’re not use to that because you’re older than him and at Disneyland you only have to be older than 7. Life is such a drag when you’re under 48 inches. You go time after time, waiting to hit that mark but at this point it just seems hopeless. Then it happens.
Your mom convinces you that you should check your height one more time. You slowly saunter up to the height indicator, knowing that you’re not going to hit the bar. You slowly turn your back and as you move your head into position you notice something different. A slight bump hits your head preventing you from moving. “This is different,” you think to yourself, and then you hear it.
The roar from your family as they scream cheers of joy! You finally have reached the newest milestone of your life. You can finally ride the big kid rides! Only, there is a problem. The big kid rides are the scary rides. They are the ones that go fast. The ones that turn you upside down, the ones where you hear the screams of terror as the coaster cars go flying by, never to be seen again.
Just when all hope is lost, too afraid to venture onto the ride, a voice of reason guides you. It can be a stranger, a friend, or family member. Someone who says to you “what do you notice about those people?” “They are screaming in terror,” you say, knowing full well that those people are doomed to never make it off the ride. “Look again,” the voice tells you and then you see it. Those people aren’t afraid, they have smiles on their faces!
That’s when you realize that now it is your turn to bravely go where those before you have gone. To look past your fears and face the adventure of the unknown. So you gather your courage and tell your parents “I am ready to ride the big kid ride.”
Your parents are constantly reassuring you that you don’t have to ride the ride, while secretly they are pushing you to take the adventure with them. You will not accept that as an answer, you are ready for your first big kid ride. So you get in line and begin the agonizing wait to the impending doom of the scariest ride of your life. It feels like an eternity as your heart beats faster and faster. You inch closer and closer to the final destination. Panic begins to set in as you reach the stall, and your turn is up next.
“I should go back,” is all you can think. You might have the courage to muster the words, but it’s too late your parents remind you. The coaster car comes to a stop and as the people unload your heart is beating through your chest. You slink down into the ride as your parents help you get safely secured. They don’t want to lose you as much as you don’t want this to be your only ride. Then you see the ride operator give the thumbs up and the coaster hisses as the breaks release and you slowly roll forward.
Now you are trapped, nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. Your mind is racing as the coaster moves you into position. The anticipation of the first drop is worse than anything you have ever experienced. Finally you hear the last click of the chain that has carried you to the top, and for just a moment, it’s dead silent. Then begins the thrill of your lifetime!
You feel your stomach rise into your throat as your coast dive bombs at speeds you didn’t think were possible. You get whipped back and forth as the coaster runs down the track. Then it happens, the coaster takes a steep incline as you begin the weirdest feeling in your life. Your feet are stuck to the ground and you look up, only to see the track and ground below you. Just as quickly as it began, you are back facing right side up, barreling down the track. You see a sudden bust of lights, having no idea what is happening. Then it happens, a sudden stop, and the coaster slowly glides back into the loading area like nothing had happened at all.
You finally exit the coaster, right back where you started. All of your fingers and toes are still intact. The only thing that is messy is your wind blown hair from traveling at speeds not safe on your bike. That’s when you realize it, you made it back alive. The only thought left in your brain from that mind blowing experience is…
Let’s do it again!